Melon Playground




Retro graphics and 8-bit style games are back in fashion. Great news for developers cause they don’t have to get so much obsessed with the visual side anymore. And no worse news for us cause such games don’t overload your device and you can enjoy a smooth, lagless gameplay even if you play from a mobile device and the connection leaves to wish for the better. One such game you can’t go past is Melon Playground!

Build to destroy!

You probably heard about such genre as sandbox. These are games with an open gameplay where you aren’t limited by any storyline or quest list and can just indulge in creativity at will. It looks this way: you get an empty map that is like a blank sheet of paper or canvas where you are free to build your own little piece of virtual reality. All you have to do is go through the assortment of elements you can add there and have fun! Melon Playground starts just like this. But then it turns into anything much bigger!

The whole point of the game is to create a destructible environment and set up the rules for this destruction. For this purpose, you’ll have an immense choice of objects, structures, weapons, transport and even ragdolls. All of them can be added to the map in a voluntarily quantity and order and you also can set up interactions between them. These interactions will be activated once you’re finished and push play!

Produce your own mini action movie!

So what exactly can you do in Melon Playground? A lot of exciting things! Basically, it’s like shooting your own action movie, only on a primitive graphical level. However, that doesn’t make the whole sight any less fascinating. Depending on which elements exactly you decide to include into your little chaos-ridden cutscene and how you configure them to interact, it can look like an epic shootout, mortal car race or simply some crazy massacre.

The best thing is that the same elements can be combined in a great variety of ways, so you can spend hours and days exploring the possibilities of this incredible sandbox. Even after a long time of playing, it won’t get boring and you’ll surely get a lot of thrilling emotions in the process. Start exploring the options offered by Melon Playground right now, work out your own peculiar style of building and ruining and discover all the great features this game has in store for you!

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